“The Lord cannot be at work in me if I am only allowing him the time I spend doing pious or prayerful things. I must open the whole of my life to Christ and intentionally make him a vital part of everything I do.”–Father Gary Caster

Reading Level
Grades 11+
Review and Comments
I’ll be honest, after having kids I have found prayer difficult. I find little time to myself and am constantly interrupted. I even have trouble making it through a rosary without falling asleep! Then, as an attempt to make up for my distraction/frustration/exhaustion, I try to find a new devotion/method/motivation to kick myself back in gear. Slowly I see myself becoming a Martha and less of a Mary and the downward spiral continues.
Enter Father Gary Caster’s book, Prayer Everywhere (which was obviously sent to me by the Holy Spirit). Through his simple suggestions and wonderfully entertaining anecdotes, I was reminded about the simplicity of prayer which I’d forgotten. Devotions aside, prayer is ultimately about our relationship with Jesus and it need not be complicated. Continue reading A Review of ‘Prayer Everywhere: The Spiritual Life Made Simple →
“And in the end, everything else will turn out to be unimportant and inessential; except for this: Father, Child, and Love.” – Pope Saint John Paul II

Interest Level
3 years+
Review and Comments
The Most Beautiful Christmas Story is a wonderful book for young children about Jesus’ birth beginning with the Annunciation and ending with the Holy Family in Nazareth after their time in Egypt. I was struck by two things while reading this book. First, the large illustrations, each covering two pages, are filled with wonderful details that truly enhance the story. The second thing that stands out for me is the words and phrases interwoven throughout the story that express the miracle of Christmas. The first sentence proclaims beautifully that “God sent the Angel Gabriel…” What a wonderful way to introduce the story of God’s amazing plan. Then, Mary waits for the Savior with hope, St. Joseph tenderly whispers to Jesus that their hearts are full of love, the shepherds are filled with peace and joy, the Wise Men feel the light of the star as a sign, and when the Holy Family travels to Egypt, Mary declares that God is with us. All of these expressions of God’s beautiful love truly convey the Christmas message. Continue reading Fill Us With Joy: A Review of ‘The Most Beautiful Christmas Story’ →
“Death by Eve, life by Mary” — Saint Jerome (Epistle 22)

Interest Level: Ages 3+
Review and Comments:
Maura McKeegan illustrates how events of the Old Testament foreshadow the New Testament in this straightforward story of Adam and Eve and Jesus and Mary. She begins in Genesis with Eve’s disobedience and explains how the Blessed Mother is the new Eve with her obedience and “yes” to God. Then, the story continues with Adam’s temptation and betrayal prefiguring Jesus’ temptation and fulfillment of His Father’s will. The angel’s fiery sword guarding the tree of life foretells the angel sent to comfort Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Where Adam and Eve’s sin closed the gates of Heaven, Jesus opened the gates and fulfilled God’s plan of redemption. Continue reading Unity of Scripture: A Review of ‘The End of the Fiery Sword, Adam & Eve and Jesus & Mary →

Obviously we feel that there is no better gift to give a child than that of a book. And what better way to start a child’s life than with plenty of good Catholic board books! Perfect for Baptism, First Christmas, First Birthday and other major events in the first couple of years, these books teach valuable lessons, prayers, different aspects of our faith, and Jesus’s love for his children. These books are not to be missed! Continue reading 20 Of the Best Board Books for Catholic Babies & Toddlers →
“The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”– Luke 2:40

Interest Level: 2-6
Review and Comments:
When Jesus Was a Little Boy is a story that describes what Jesus might have done as a child. Each page shows Jesus actively participating in chores around the house, learning lessons, taking care of animals, and always doing his best. There are also examples of Jesus being a true and loving friend while interacting with other children. All of these activities are perfect examples of “little acts of holiness” as St. Therese of Lisieux called them, which children can imitate to become more like Jesus. This story shows how the holy family, the model for all families, exemplifies how to love and respect others. Continue reading He Advanced in Wisdom and Age: A Review of ‘When Jesus Was a Little Boy’ →
Literature reviews from the Catholic side