“It is not that they cannot see the solution. It is they cannot see the problem.” – G. K. Chesterton

Reading Level
P – Grade 3
Review and Comments
What to do with a problem? Now that is a dilemma we have all encountered. The little boy in this story faces a problem he absolutely does not want. His problem is not specifically defined, but it is extremely unsettling to him. As the story unfolds his questions and emotional responses together with the expressive illustrations show how small he feels while confronting his ever-expanding problem.
When the boy first becomes aware of the problem, he immediately wants nothing to do with it. He does everything he can to make it go away. He even tries to ignore it but that does not help at all. It first appears as a small cloud above his head and then begins to expand until “it looked as if it would swallow him up.” And at the peak of his distress, the cloud is swirling around him. Continue reading A Possibility for Something Good: A Review of ‘What Do You Do With a Problem?’ →
“Our body is a cenacle, a monstrance: through its crystal the world should see God.”–St. Gianna Molla

Reading Level:
Grade 11+
Review and Comments:
I’ve always been fascinated by the lives of the saints. Their ability to see God through suffering, their bravery in evangelization, their relationship to Jesus and His mother, and their willingness to face death and persecution for Him are awe=inspiring. As a cradle Catholic, I have read many of their stories and wished to be closer to them and learn more about them. They have been the celebrities I have looked up to, and though my favorite saint has changed with my season of life, I have found that often I feel as though their stories are unrealistic in this day and age. I can’t see myself being like them and I feel that their virtue is unattainable.
It is for this reason I enjoy reading about more modern people who may not be saints (yet) but nevertheless they have lived holy and virtuous lives. A few years ago I read about Immaculee Ilibagiza and her suffering through the Rwandan genocide. Her joy and faith amidst terrible suffering have been a beautiful witness of God’s forgiveness and love for those involved. She became someone I aspired to be for a long time, but her suffering was extreme, and often times I could not fully relate. (You can read more about her here.)
My newest role model is Chiara Corbella Petrillo. I saw Chiara’s story make the rounds in the Catholic blogosphere a year or so ago. I read a bit about her and thought it was a sad story, but moved on as people do when they read something online. Then her book popped up as a recommendation for me. I couldn’t put it down. Continue reading Redemption Through Suffering: A Review of ‘Chiara Corbella Petrillo: A Witness to Joy’ →
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” – Mother Teresa

Reading level
Grades 1-2
Common Core
Grade 2
Interest level
Review and Comments
Choosing a name for a child can be quite a challenging decision for parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mouse considered this obligation thoughtfully and chose the name that was “absolutely perfect” for their new precious baby. They named her Chrysanthemum – the perfect name for their perfect daughter. As Chrysanthemum grew, she too found her name to be perfect whether it was written or spoken. As a matter of fact, she often repeated it to herself because she liked the sound of it so much.
When it was time for Chrysanthemum to start school, she was very excited and full of enthusiasm as most children are. The first time her class heard her name however, they laughed. Some students, three girls in particular, continuously made comments about her name and thought of different ways to tell her it was unusual and weird. Unfortunately, Chrysanthemum listened to the harsh comments of the girls and it wasn’t long before she didn’t think her name was perfect anymore. She even had the drastic thought that she should change her name. Alas, the next day of school was not any better. The three girls treated her the same way, and she felt truly dreadful. She shared all of this with her parents and they assured her that her name was indeed absolutely perfect and then tried to help her see why those girls would say such hurtful things. Continue reading Be Who You Are Perfectly: A Review of ‘Chrysanthemum’ →
Literature reviews from the Catholic side