“The cost of obedience is small compared with the cost of disobedience.” – Saint Augustine

Reading Level
Ages 5-8
Review and Comments
Perfect Gifts is an excellent story about the virtue of obedience and the promblematic consequences of disobedience. The story revolves around a devoted family that includes twins, Samantha and Nicholas. Their eighth birthday approaches and as with all soon-to-be eight year olds, excitement is at a peak. The children wonder if they will receive the gifts they long for, and Nick cannot wait to see what his parents bought him. He and Samantha sneak a peek at their wrapped gifts, but nothing goes as planned. There are regrets and consequences for their actions. Nick just doesn’t understand why his parents are so upset or that their disobedience has created a broken trust.
A.A. Milne once wrote “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience – well, that comes from poor judgment.” The twins certainly rack up a lot of experience in this story! While at a public pool, Samantha’s father actually has to save her life because of her disobedience. On the twins’ actual birthday, the family plans a special family hike. Before they begin, both Samantha and Nicholas ignore their parents’ advice to be better prepared and suffer the consequences. Then, impatient Nicholas ignores his dad and goes to an abandoned barn. Let’s just say a run in with a family of skunks is a very powerful lesson! Yet even after suffering all those very tough consequences, Nick chooses to ignore his parents one last time. He secretly takes all the money from his bank and buys some so called amazing items from an older nieghborhood boy. On the way home he falls and all his items break. He is alone with the damage of his disobedience once again. This time he fully examines his actions over the last few days and it’s not a proud moment for him. Then who should come looking for him but his father! Nick asks for forgiveness and understands that he is able to start over because of the love and forgiveness he receives.
Continue reading Choices: A Review of ‘Perfect Gifts’ (from THe Adventures of Nick and Sam, Book 1)