The babble of some people is like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise is healing. – Proverbs 12:18

Reading/Interest Level
Grades 1-6 [Ages 6-12]
Review and Comments
Seeds of words spoken, some green and others black, are given to a young prince every day. The green seeds are gentle while the black seeds contain only hostility and misery. The prince accepts both seeds and plants them all. As the prince watches his trees grow he observes that all the trees are powerful but very different. The green trees are life giving. The black trees create such darkness that the green trees eventually suffer and become weakened right down to their roots.
The prince meets an extraordinary, sincere friend who only gives him green seeds. She is wise and very brave in the face of the darkness of the forest. The green trees seem to “come alive” when she is near, but the dark trees seem to amplify their negativity. The prince’s new friend has a challenging solution for the tragedy of the weakening green trees. He recognizes her insight and agrees to accept the challenge. Using her old tools, she and the prince cut down one dark tree. Then, they carefully cut down more and more until not one dark tree or any fragment of a root is left. Following his friend’s advice, the prince never plants dark seeds again. He carefully watches over his grove of green trees and continues to plant the green seeds that produce “new life.”
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