A Prayer

Heavenly Father,

As we begin this undertaking, we ask you to bless our efforts. Help guide us as we look intentionally at literature and aid us find Your beauty so that others may see it as well.

Help us to speak Your words to an audience who is looking for guidance in selecting books for their children and themselves. Allow families to be strengthened through You today and every day.

As Saint Pope John Paul II said:

“To educate in the truth, and for genuine freedom and evangelical love, is at the very heart of the Church’s mission. In a cultural climate in which moral norms are often thought to be matters of personal preference, Catholic schools have a crucial role to play in leading the younger generation to realize that freedom consists above all in being able to respond to the demands of the truth…”

Help us aid those in Catholic schools and those who continue Catholic education at home.

May You be present in all we do. And someday we hope that all may see by the light of the tree.


Literature reviews from the Catholic side