“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord.” –Colossians 3:20

Reading Level:
Grades K-1
Review and Comments:
The Tale of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter, is a classic tale that is ready for a new generation. Peter, that scamp of a bunny, does not heed his mother’s warning about Mr. McGregor’s garden or her instructions to stay close to home. He immediately goes to the garden and enjoys quite a feast on all the wonderful vegetables bunnies love to eat. Mr. McGregor spots Peter eating his produce and immediately a pursuit begins. Mr. McGregor runs all over the garden trying to catch him, but Peter is able to escape each close encounter. Peter is completely lost because of the chase and frantically tries to find a way out of the garden. Finally, after much searching, he locates the gate and is free once again. He does not stop running until he reaches the safety of his home and family. By the time he gets home his ordeal has taken its toll. Peter is put to bed and misses out on the delicious dinner that his sisters are able to enjoy. Continue reading Taking Risks as Far as Possible: A Review of “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” →
“Prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven. It is a cry of gratitude and love in the midst of trial as well as joy; finally, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus.”–St. Therese of Lisieux
The prayer books we have listed below are a meager few of some of our favorites. They are short and simple, enough for the busy lives we tend to lead. (Click on the picture to take you to Amazon.com for more information on each book.)

Word By Word: Slowing Down with the Hail Mary by Sarah A. Reinhard is a beautiful way to slow yourself down when reciting the Hail Mary. After years of reciting the prayer, I, unfortunately, find myself rushing through the words. This book is a compilation of reflections and questions based on the short phrases of the prayer. They are short enough for you to read one each day and spend a few minutes meditating on the questions asked at the end of each reflection. It’s a wonderful way to look at the Hail Mary for those of us who have become “familiar” with the prayer. Continue reading Aspirations of the Heart: A Beautiful List of Prayer Books to Give Someone for Christmas →
“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”– St. Francis of Assisi

Reading Level: Grades 5-6
Interest Level: Grades 5-8
Review and Comments:
As Brian buckles his seat belt and settles in the small plane to begin a trip to visit his father for the summer, he never dreams his life is about to change forever. He is distracted by angry, raging thoughts about his parents’ divorce. In the tangle of all of those emotions is a secret about his mom and that “Secret” is like an anchor weighing him down not only in his heart but in his thoughts. Those thoughts again assault his mind as he begins his flight. After a lengthy period of silence, he and the pilot finally begin to talk a bit. Brain is surprised when the pilot shows him how to use the rudder, and he actually flies the plane on his own. After that things go horribly wrong. The pilot has a heart attack and dies leaving Brian alone flying over the vast Canadian woods. Continue reading Strength in the Face of Danger: A Review of ‘Hatchet’ by Gary Paulsen →
Literature reviews from the Catholic side