“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” -Aristotle

Reading Level
Grades 2-4, (Ages 7-9) 3.8
Interest Level
Grades 1-5
[128 pages]
Review and Comments
Danger! Tiger Crossing is the first book in the Fantastic Frame series. This exciting story is filled with mystery, interesting characters, and a bit of a Jumanji flavor that will surely attract the reader from the first chapter.
The main character, Tiger, is an interesting boy who thoughtfully observes his surroundings, analyzes clues, and then works to solve problems. And the problems he faces in this adventure are extraordinary. His story begins when his little sister reports that she has seen an orange pig in the backyard. This statement is so unbelievable that Tiger resolves to prove the pig lives in his sister’s imagination. While he is examining the scene, he actually sees the pig in his neighbor’s yard wearing a top hat and a bow tie. He also meets Luna, a neighbor. Tiger and Luna approach things from different angles, but these differences come in very handy as complications present themselves.
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