“We must stand up for the rights of our neighbor who is suffering from injustice; we must defend them all the more vigorously because we see Jesus present in them. Surely this is our duty because of our love for others for his sake. We have no right to be ‘sleeping watchmen’ or dumb watch-dogs. Whenever we see evil we must sound the alarm.” — Blessed Charles de Foucauld
Reading Level: 5.2 [according to Scholastic which reflects the grade level at which a student reading on grade could read the book independently]
4.5 [AR level]
Interest Level: Grades 3 – 6
Review and Comments:
Number the Stars is a historical fiction that takes place during WWII in Denmark. The danger and turmoil in Copenhagen at the time are seen through the eyes of a ten year old girl named Annemarie. She witnesses cruelty and personally experiences fear amidst the bravery and heroic sacrifices of many who “honor the humanity of others.” Continue reading Bearing the Burden of Another: A Review of ‘Number the Stars’