“Artistic talent is a gift from God and whoever discovers it in himself has a certain obligation: to know that he cannot waste this talent, but must develop it.” – St. John Paul II
Reading Level
Grades 1-4, Ages 6-9
Review and Comments
Beatrice Holmes Garcia is a budding artist who illustrates her actual life experiences along with some very original daydreams. Her drawings are not always restricted to her trusty journal however. She has been known to draw on her little brother, the walls, and even the television. Her family is usually very supportive of her enthusiasm unless her art extends beyond her notebook.
It is obvious that Bea’s family and home are very important to her – the center of her world. That expands a bit when she happily meets her first best friend on her 5th birthday. The girls are kindred spirits from their first introduction. They do everything together: draw, learn new things, and even share a magic tree in the backyard where their imaginations are truly free.
Continue reading A Restless Imagination: A Review of ‘My Life in Pictures (Bea Garcia)’