“Embrace everyone and everything that helps you become a better version of yourself and you will live a life uncommon.” – Matthew Kelly [The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic]

Reading Level
AR 5.5 [7 points]
Grades 6-12 [Scholastic]
Review and Comments
The Applewhite family can be described as unique or extraordinary, but those words really don’t capture the nature of the family well enough. Idiosyncratic is the word that expresses the dynamics of the Applewhites much better. A few members can even be described as egocentric. Each person in this extended family has such a distinctive personality that their individual stories are quite interesting. Their creative passions seem to divide the family, but when a theatrical crisis occurs, the Applewhites have to pull together and eventually resolve those problems.
The reader is introduced to the family by twelve year old Edith Wharton, or E.D., as she prefers to be called. She describes her family as “a spontaneous group of people who love chaos and crave freedom.” Her family even decides that the children’s education should be different because after all they are not like other people. Their motto is: “Education is an adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving an ability to think things through.” So, they start the Applewhite Creative Academy where “creativity and individuality are paramount,” and the children develop their own study programs to accommodate their personal interests.
Continue reading A Change of Focus: A Review of ‘Surviving the Applewhites’