Tag Archives: homelessness

A Mother’s Plan: A Review of ‘A New Coat for Anna’

“Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” ― St. Catherine of Siena

Reading Level:

Grades K-1 [according to common core]

Grade   3.1 [according to Scholastic – reflects the grade level at which a student reading on grade could read the book independently]

Interest Level: Grades 3-5

Review and Comments:

I looked forward to reading this historical fiction, my favorite genre, and wasn’t disappointed as the story and illustrations drew me in from the first page.  This very touching account is based on a real life story of a little girl and her mother soon after WWII when life continued to be very difficult.  Supplies and food were limited and no one had any money. The fact that Anna needed a new winter coat presented quite a dilemma for her mother. Continue reading A Mother’s Plan: A Review of ‘A New Coat for Anna’